And here we have it, our brand new website! A team of artists, developers, and more worked together to put together Mare Fair 2025’s website, but this is just the beginning! Much more will be added over time, but for now we’ve got plenty of important details shared on it!
This years website has a theme, as does the con itself, and if it isn’t obvious yet, just wait till more pops up here! With a battle of the bands on the rise, it seems our mascots and the con itself are sure to put on a show!
This is just the start of this whole shebang, but be sure to check out our entirely new “News” section, as well as our Contact Us, About, and Code of Conduct!
Again, more will be added soon as more news comes! For now, we hope you enjoy the site, and be sure to poke around a bit, there’s plenty of little secrets to discover!