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Code of Conduct
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Code of Conduct

  • Mare Fair is an event being held by Snowpity, Inc., for the purposes of raising money for equine charities and allowing artists within the My Little Pony fandom the opportunity to exhibit their work
  • All attendees and participants must be at least 18 years old
  • All hotel policies, Orange County ordinances, and Florida laws must be followed at all times
  • Any action or behavior that causes significant interference with convention operations or adversely affects the relationship of Snowpity, Inc., with its guests, its venues, or the public is strictly forbidden and may result in permanent suspension of ability to attend future events held by Snowpity, Inc.
  • Smoking and vaping are not allowed on hotel property
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages is not allowed outside of designated areas while on hotel property
  • Do not display or show any adult themed matter in public areas of the hotel
  • Appropriate clothing must be worn while in public areas
    • Adequate footwear must be worn
    • Clothing which publicly exposes or provides the illusion of genitalia, buttocks, or breasts is not allowed
    • Clothing shall not depict any of the following:
      • Any form of sexual intercourse
      • Genitalia
      • Sexual bodily fluids
      • Overtly grotesque images (gore, extreme filth, bodily waste, etc.)
  • Mare Fair is a convention focused on My Little Pony; please keep this in mind when deciding what attire, cosplays, accessories, etc., to wear or exhibit at the convention
    • Wearing a non-pony fursuit is strongly discouraged as it detracts from this pony focus
    • Displaying any political symbols or slogans is strongly discouraged; you may be asked to cover or remove these items from convention spaces
  • Please be cognizant of any attire you may wear that blocks or obscures the view for attendees sitting or standing behind you during panels and events; you may be asked to move to the back if you are wearing large hats, large suit heads, etc.
  • Harassment is not tolerated, including: Non-consensual physical contact, stalking, deliberate disruption of any convention space or other events, threats (verbal or written), property damage, loud profanity or slurs in public areas
  • Photography or recording for commercial purposes is not allowed unless you receive express written consent from Snowpity, Inc.
  • Taking actions which pose a hazard to oneself, others, or the orderly operation of the convention are not allowed
  • The following items are prohibited:
    • Functional firearms
    • Realistic replica firearms that may be confused for functional firearms
    • Functional projectile weapons (blowguns, crossbows, longbows, slingshots, etc.)
    • Sharpened metal-bladed weapons
    • Explosives
    • Blunt weapons (brass knuckles, clubs, nunchaku, etc.)
    • Drones
    • Any other items that may be prohibited by hotel policy
  • The playing of music at excessive volume within public areas of the hotel is not allowed
  • Badges are assigned to the individual listed on them; at no time may you share your badge with another person
  • A valid badge is required for entry to the vendor hall, concert, all panel rooms, and any other event held at Mare Fair even if a separate admission charge or reservation is required
  • Badges must be clearly visible while in the convention area and must be shown to Mare Fair or hotel staff upon request
  • Any badges found to be modified, tampered, or reproduced will thereby automatically be revoked
  • Badge holders consent to allow Snowpity, Inc., and any approved affiliates the right to take photographs and recordings of attendees, events, panels, and public areas for private and commercial use by any means in all media now known or hereafter devised worldwide in perpetuity
  • Badge backers hang behind your attendee badge and allow off-hours access to the vendor hall, AD vendor hall, or other areas of the con as defined on the badge backer
    • Badge backers act as part of your badge and do not grant any access without a valid badge
    • Badge backers remain the property of Snowpity, Inc., until the completion of the event
  • Snowpity, Inc., makes no warranties or guarantees concerning goods or services provided to attendees by individual vendors; such transactions are between the individual vendors and attendees only and do not involve Mare Fair or Snowpity, Inc.
  • Snowpity, Inc., is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property
  • Snowpity, Inc., is not responsible for any injuries sustained during the course of Mare Fair
  • Snowpity, Inc., is not responsible for what occurs within the confines of private hotel rooms. Incidents that occur in these rooms are the sole responsibility of the individual to whom the room is rented, including payment of any and all damages
  • Any area within the convention space must be vacated immediately upon request of event or hotel staff
  • Any advertisements for get-togethers, meetups, or other gatherings that occur during the convention are welcome as long as they are tasteful and posted in an area and in such a manner that will cause no damage to the hotel
  • The possibility for last minute changes exists. Panels, events, activities, and vendor hall access may be canceled, rescheduled, relocated, or restricted in the number of attendees allowed to be present and other modifications may be made to the event without prior notification or compensation. Every effort will be made to announce any changes via e-mail, Mare Fair’s website, and social media channels
  • This Code of Conduct may change at any time; if any changes are made before the event, all attendees will be notified via e-mail. If any changes are made during the event, in addition to e-mail notification we will do our best to ensure word of the changes is distributed to all attendees
  • Failure to abide by this Code of Conduct may result in the offender’s badge and/or badge backer being revoked and confiscated, security/police action, and/or the offender being permanently banned from all future events held by Snowpity, Inc.
  • You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Snowpity, Inc., from any and all damages, losses, claims, liabilities, charges, suits, penalties, costs, and/or expenses, including but not limited to court costs, attorney fees, and expenses, resulting from any act (whether intentional or not), omission, or negligence of any injury to yourself
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Terms of Sale

  • All holders of badges agree to abide by the Mare Fair Code of Conduct
  • All badges remain the property of Snowpity, Inc., until the completion of the event
  • All sales are final and refunds will only be issued in exceptional circumstances
  • Badge transfers are allowed and we will work with you to transfer your badge. Please contact [email protected] with these requests
  • Under no circumstances are you to re-sell your badge unless express permission has been granted by Snowpity, Inc.
  • Please monitor your e-mail for any changes to the event (including scheduling or Code of Conduct modifications). Any material changes may come with an opportunity for a refund if such changes prevent your ability to attend the event
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Press Policies

  • All press badge holders must abide by the Mare Fair Code of Conduct
  • Press badges may be issued by Snowpity, Inc., at our discretion
  • A press badge grants you early access to programming
  • A press badge does not give preferred or early access to any sponsor only events or any event/panel that requires an additional fee
  • Recording of panels by members of the press is allowed only if no panelist objects. Please obtain the permission of the panelists prior to the panel starting
  • Recording is allowed within all common areas of the convention at all times
  • Contact the Public Relations team if you need a press badge at [email protected]
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Staff Policies

  • All staff must abide by the Mare Fair Code of Conduct
  • Failure to abide by these policies may result in disciplinary action up to and including the confiscation of your staff badge or even being permanently banned from all future events held by Snowpity, Inc.
  • All staff are at-will volunteers
    • No staff member will receive any monetary compensation for their work (except for reasonable reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of their duties with prior authorization)
    • Snowpity, Inc., may release volunteer staff from their positions for any cause
    • All volunteer staff may resign from their positions at any time with any reason
    • If you are released from or resign your position and have not yet completed the minimum service time, your staff badge may be revoked
  • Handling of confidential information
    • During your time as a volunteer, you may be exposed to confidential information that is not intended for public release
    • Though we strive to be very transparent about inner workings of the convention, some information may be kept temporarily secret for marketing purposes
    • Other information may include personally identifiable information about staff or attendees that should never be disclosed (names, addresses, etc.)
    • If you are privy to such information, you have an obligation to maintain its confidentiality
    • If you expose confidential information in violation of this agreement, you may subject yourself to possible legal fees and damages in addition to the other disciplinary measures
  • All staff who voluntarily create artwork or designs for use by Snowpity, Inc., or Mare Fair agree to grant Snowpity, Inc., a non-exclusive perpetual license to such works. Said license will be irrevocable and may be used in any way, including in the sale of merchandise for current or future events
  • All staff who are tasked with recording audio, photographs, or video during the convention grant Snowpity, Inc., a non-exclusive perpetual license to all audio, images, or video captured during their shift. Upon request, such media must be shared with the convention immediately
  • Please inform us when you apply if you have any physical, medical, or movement restrictions that need to be accommodated
    • We will make every reasonable effort to accommodate everyone, but be aware that all staff are expected to manage their own wellbeing while volunteering
  • Staff represent the convention at all times, and as such are asked to comport themselves in an appropriate manner
  • Staff should strive to maintain a professional and helpful attitude, even when under stress
  • Staff should be knowledgeable about the convention
    • Instead of trying to memorize everything, try to familiarize yourself with the website and how you can use it to find answers to common questions
    • If you don’t know the answer to a question, try to contact another staff member to help you
  • Show up a few minutes early for your shifts/duties whenever possible
  • Dress appropriately
    • Your department may have its own dress code; please abide by it if so
    • Remember that whenever you are wearing any staff clothing or are displaying a staff badge, you are representing the convention
  • If approached by someone asking for help while you are not currently on duty, please take the time to politely respond to them and direct them to the nearest staff member who can be of assistance
  • Be sober: While you are on duty, please do not consume alcoholic beverages or any type of controlled substance that may impair your ability to perform your duties
  • Treat any equipment owned by Snowpity, Inc., as if it were your own
    • You should sign any equipment that you are using (such as radios, laptops, etc.) in and out
    • You may be responsible for any loss or damages to equipment
  • Practice good radio etiquette: Do not use inappropriate language, don’t spam, and act professionally
  • While not on duty, you have the same privileges as any other convention attendee
    • You do not get priority access to anything while not on duty
    • If you’ve purchased a sponsor badge as well as being a staff member, you obviously will retain any privileges that come with whatever badge you’ve purchased
  • All convention staff, regardless of their position, must comply with badge checks at all times (except in cases of emergency)
    • Do not assume the person checking badges knows who you are
  • You are responsible for providing your own food, transportation, and lodging
  • In the event of any accident or injury sustained while volunteering, you authorize Snowpity, Inc., to seek and obtain medical treatment
  • You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Snowpity, Inc., from any and all damages, losses, claims, liabilities, charges, suits, penalties, costs, and/or expenses, including but not limited to court costs, attorney fees, and expenses, resulting from any act (whether intentional or not), omission, or negligence of any injury to yourself
  • If any part of this document becomes void or unenforceable, the rest of this document shall remain in full force
  • Stay healthy: Make sure to eat regular meals and get enough sleep so you aren’t dozing off at your post
  • Stay clean: Nobody wants to smell you 👃
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Vendor Policies

General Policies: While in the Mare Fair Vendor Hall all convention rules, local, state, and federal laws must be observed. Vendors are required to adhere to the attendee Code of Conduct in addition to the vendor policies in this document. Vendors and artists agree to follow any reasonable instructions given by Mare Fair staff. All vendors and artists must have a government-issued photo ID to check into the vendor hall or artist alley and conduct sales. You must be 18 years or older to vend at the convention.

Taxes: All Vendors are expected to be familiar with, and legally compliant to, any federal, state, and local tax laws that may apply to them as a vendor. This includes the collecting and remitting of all applicable taxes for Florida State and Orange County. Snowpity, Inc., will not be held legally or financially responsible for any unpaid taxes or tax violations that the vendor may incur while vending at Mare Fair. Please refer to Florida Department of Revenue found at for more information, or to Florida Department of Revenue Publication GT-800040 (

Sold Content: Mare Fair employs what is known as a “black book” policy when it comes to the sale of mature or adult art or content. Mature or adult art or content may be sold if these items are not on public display, and kept entirely separate from all non mature or adult art or content. In addition, all adult art must have genitalia (defined as female nipples or any detailing/definition of male and female groin areas) covered with stickers, post-it's, opaque tape, etc. Any vendor who chooses to sell mature or adult art or content must understand that it is a legal requirement to keep the content from being viewed, sold, or otherwise exposed to anybody under the age of 18. Any instance of mature or adult art or content being viewed or sold to anybody under the age of 18, or any other violation of this policy, is cause for immediate ejection from the vendor hall and all vending privileges revoked without refund. What counts as mature or adult content is completely at the discretion of Mare Fair staff, no questions asked.

Vendors planning to sell adult merchandise at Mare Fair should have available means that purchasers can use to abide by this rule. This may include folders, dark bags, etc.

Please note: Selling unlicensed, pirated, or bootleg/fake products of any nature will not be tolerated. This includes unlicensed plush from China and other products of similar nature. In addition to this, selling any item that includes work by another person from which full permission has not been obtained is strictly prohibited.

The sale of food or drink that is sold in a ‘ready to eat’ state in the vendor hall (such as bread, candy, cookies, etc.) is prohibited by our venue. This does not include prepackaged foods that are sold in a state ‘not ready to eat' (such as coffee grounds, seasoning, cake mixes, etc.).

Failure to comply with any and all takedown requests from Mare Fair staff may result in eviction from the vendor hall with or without refund. If you have any questions as to what content is considered mature or adult, please email [email protected].

Auction, Contents, or Raffles: Any auction, contest, or raffle must follow the laws and regulations of Orange County and the State of Florida. It is the vendor's responsibility to ensure that they are following the laws and regulations set forth by the governing body and also to provide evidence of this if requested by Mare Fair staff. If no evidence can be provided, or Mare Fair staff deems this behavior to be too disruptive or problematic, the vendor will be asked to discontinue all such activities. Snowpity, Inc., does not authorize or condone any such activities and any violations of such can result in immediate ejection from the vendor hall, with all vendor hall privileges revoked.

Early Access: Vendors and artists will be given early access to the vendor hall space. You must have checked in and received your badge before you can begin setting up your table. All vendors and assistants will be provided with tags (custom badge, badge ribbon, sticker, or badge backer) that signify your status as a vendor or assistant. You must display your badge and tag at all times, especially during vendor only set-up hours. No badge sharing of any kind is permitted. Each vendor and vendor assistant is required to have their own badge and tag as a means of entry.

Cost of Tables: All full vendor hall tables cost $35 and DO NOT include convention registrations. All vendors and assistants will be required to purchase a registration in order to be able to enter the vendor hall space. Tables are standard 6 x 2-foot tables.

Cancellations: Each table is registered to a single vendor or artist at purchase. No purchased table may be transferred to another vendor or artist. If the owning vendor or artist needs to cancel, or back out, please email [email protected] immediately. Refunds will be observed on a case by case basis.

Table sharing: Table sharing is not allowed outside of those who are approved to vend. If you wish to share your table with another artist or vendor, you must either submit a joint application or email [email protected] with a request and a description of who you will be sharing your table with. Approvals of any other artist or vendor whom you wish to share a table with will be observed on a case by case basis.

Any vendors who are sharing their table with unapproved vendors in the vendor hall are subject to immediate ejection from the vendor hall, with or without notice, and all vending privileges revoked.

No-Shows: If a vendor or artist fails to check in for their table by closing of the vendor hall on Friday night, they will be considered a no-show and their tables will be forfeit. No-Show tables cannot be reclaimed, and neither credit nor refund will be given for No-Show tables.

Signage: All business names on table signage should match the information that was used when registering for the table. For example, if “Hold Me Closer” was put down as the table name on the application but all the signs say “Tiny Dancer,” the signage must be removed. Complimentary table signage will be provided for use at the table. This signage may be kept or removed at the vendor's prerogative. Vendors and artists are requested not to move or tamper with any other Mare Fair signage.

Structures: Mare Fair does not impose a specific height restriction on table displays, though it must be lower than touching the ceiling. Any structure brought to display artwork or merchandise must be of sound construction. If any structure falls down, appears unstable, blocks too much light, or impedes the space of another vendor, the vendor to whom it belongs will be asked to remove it by Mare Fair staff. Displays may neither impede upon other vendor's areas nor disrupt traffic flow in case of emergency.

If you have any plans to bring additional tables or any other large structures, please email [email protected].

Conduct: Vendors are required to adhere to all convention conduct policies in addition to the vendor policies in this document. Behavior that is deemed to be dangerous to any persons or property is strictly prohibited.

Noise: Overly loud music, videos, etc. will not be tolerated in the vendor hall. If the amount of sound coming from a table is found to be disruptive to other vendors or attendees as determined by Mare Fair staff, the vendor will be asked to lower the volume or turn it off. Further noise violations may result in the vendor being removed from the vendor hall and all vending privileges revoked.

Theft and Damages: Snowpity, Inc., is not liable for any loss of or damage to any vendor's property or person. Snowpity, Inc., will make every effort to ensure that theft does not occur, but ultimately are not liable. Neither Snowpity, Inc., nor the venue can be held legally or financially responsible for any personal injury or damage caused by the inappropriate use of hotel or convention equipment.

The vendor agrees to allow Snowpity, Inc., and its staff to act as their agents to investigate on their behalf on suspected shoplifting incidents, but no guarantee is made as to compensation or return of any lost or damaged property. We strongly advise that cash and any small, highly valuable items be removed from the hall when it is not occupied and stored in the vendor's room or other secure space.

Hotel spaces or property may not be damaged or modified in any way. Any vendor that causes damage to hotel space or property may be held legally and financially responsible for any damages.

Use of Snowpity, Inc., logos and other branding: Before using or selling logos or branding (including mascots) that belong to Snowpity, Inc., explicit permission must be received from the Snowpity, Inc., Board of Directors.

Hold Harmless: You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Snowpity, Inc., from any and all damages, losses, claims, liabilities, charges, suits, penalties, costs, and/or expenses, including but not limited to court costs, attorney fees, and expenses, resulting from any act (whether intentional or not), omission, or negligence of any injury to yourself, your staff, or your customers.

You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Rosen Centre Hotel and its servicing agents from all liability (damage or accident) which might ensue from any cause resulting or connected with transportation, placing, removal, or display of exhibits.

Final Judgment of Rules and Policies: The Vendor Hall Lead and Head Pony In Charge have the final say on any ruling or interpretation of the policies contained in this document, without question.

Changes: Snowpity, Inc., reserves the right to change or amend any portion of these policies, with or without notice to the vendor, at any time. Every effort to notify vendors of such changes will be made, but cannot guarantee such notifications.

Agreement and Acceptance: By accepting and paying for this exhibitor space, you are agreeing to abide by these policies and codes of conduct. This document shall act as a vending contract between yourself as a vending attendee and the convention. Any failure to follow these terms is cause for ejection from the vendor hall, convention, and all vending privileges revoked without refund.

Mares tired from reading CoC